If you’re conducting an active search, welcome to our site and please submit your CV/resume.
If this process is new for you or we’re new to you, here are some things we’d like to share…
The quality of your experience is important to us.
And to our clients. We will follow up with you, keep the process as transparent as possible and have honest and clear conversations throughout your search. We’ve been in your shoes, we know how it feels.
We are good coaches.
We want the opportunity to be right for you, your family and your career. We will help you evaluate the details of a new role to make sure it’s the right fit.
We will help you feel prepared at every stage of the process.
You’ll always know the next step, where you’re going and who you’re meeting with before you get there. We think the best interviews start with proper introductions.
We value a relationship with you.
Whether our first opportunity to work together results in a new role or not, we want to stay connected to you for advice, insight and future opportunities. The world is a small place, and we’re happy to know you.