This is the common goal of every company we work with and every candidate we meet. Flourish. In fact, we believe that this is what makes the difference between good and great for all of us.
And when you encounter someone or something flourishing, it’s obvious isn’t it? Happy, vigorous, productive. The mission of our company – and what we hope to accomplish with every single executive search we complete – is to create connections that flourish. Our feedback tells us that this is just what we’re doing.
We’d love to help you make these talent connections.
May you always flourish,
Cookie McIntyre, CEO
Supporting the urban farm project
Meet Ro Gantz, McIntyre Global Executive Search Managing Director. Ro’s passion for organic gardening and interest in helping returning military veterans resulted in a big idea – an inner city urban farm partnered with the Community Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry.
Emmaus Grove – The Erie Urban Farm School in Erie, Pennsylvania has garnered national attention as a great example of how to merge common goals in an urban setting to improve the lives of people of all ages, income levels and walks of life. Organically-grown and non-genetically modified vegetables, fruits and herbs from all over the world are being grown in 65 raised beds with an outdoor classroom. Both the food and the classes are offered for free to anyone in need.
In the spirit of this effort, we would like to inspire your own food garden or one in the community around you. Contact us for starter Cherokee Trail of Tears Bean heirloom seeds – easy to plant, easy to grow, easy to share…and consumed by most cultures around the world.
McIntyre Global Executive Search will donate a percentage of Search Fees to help sustain Emmaus Grove so it can sustain others.